Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Urgent reminder--this is not over.

Closed-door meetings on SB 24 and the substitute bill are now going on among the governor’s staff, the education commissioner’s staff, and legislative leadership. At this point, anything can come out of these negotiations—and all your hard work can be wiped out.
We know that tenure, collective bargaining, and tying a yet unknown evaluation system to salary, certification, and employment are still on the table for the governor and his allies. The governor reportedly will stop at nothing to advance his agenda, including last week’s news that he met with municipal officials about school funding being at risk.
It is IMPERATIVE that CEA members attend one of the two RALLIES at the State Capitol on Tuesday, April 24, and Wednesday, April 25. It is time to show our real strength and solidarity to the legislature and the public. Remember Wisconsin…

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