Saturday, April 7, 2012

Stephen Krashen: Testing and Teaching to the Test: It's going to get Worse - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Stephen Krashen: Testing and Teaching to the Test: It's going to get Worse - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: "This is at least a 20-fold increase in testing. There is zero evidence that it will do any good, and good evidence that it will not work. It will mean even less room for teacher creativity and flexibility. It means even tighter control than the testing under NCLB: All the new tests, including the interim tests, will be tightly linked to precise and detailed national standards. There will be no escape.
Howard notes that "Skilled teachers have a power to engage their students -- with spontaneity, authority, and wit." There will be no chance for any spontaneity or wit, and only the authority of the standards and tests will exist. The US Department of Education intends to finish the job of turning schools into test prep factories."

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