REFORM ALERT – Teachers Count: Stand Up and Be Counted
We focus on four items in this “Reform Alert”:
1) Political activism – Time is running out. Teachers must step up efforts to contact legislators and set up back home meetings, urging them to continue moving forward with education reform.
2) Attend a historic CEA Rally – Sign up for teacher demonstrations at the Capitol on April 24 and 25.
3) Our message – A recap of the issues for you to use as you reach out to your legislators.
4) Next steps – What we all need to do to make sure reform gets done right.
1) Political activism – Back Home Meetings
While many of you are enjoying a well-deserved week off from school, and others are preparing for your vacations, the work at the State Capitol labors on. The so-called reformers have been busy pushing the Governor’s Education Bill and urging legislators to go backward and implement his plan. We, of course have been urging lawmakers not to take a step backward and to continue getting reform done right.
We know you’ll agree that we cannot afford to take a break or get complacent—there’s much more work to be done in the next four weeks before the legislative session ends. We must continue to stand strong and be vocal as a counterweight to the wealthy and powerful interests who want to privatize education and run roughshod over teachers’ rights. Too many business groups, anti-union organizations, and others who have never spent time in a classroom want to make changes to our public schools that are unproven and experimental. Call your legislators today and set up back home meetings so they can hear your concerns.
2) Teachers Count: Stand Up and Be Counted – Attend a historic CEA Rally
Sign up for teacher demonstrations at the State Capitol on April 24 and 25. Because Substitute Bill #24 continues to be a work in progress, communications with your legislators must continue. Join your fellow teachers in advocating for your profession. Sign up at, under upcoming events, or log in here to participate in CEA demonstrations at the Capitol.
Buses will depart from towns in every county across the state. Most buses will leave at 5pm. There will be a short program and demonstration between 6:30 – 7pm and buses will depart from the Capitol at 7:30pm.
We can’t do it alone, but together we are 43,000 voices strong and we need to let legislators hear those voices. We hope you will be among the many teachers who attend the rallies and speak out for your profession.
3) Our message
We urge you to keep up to date on the latest reform news by reviewing articles, CEA statements and CEA news releases, as well as, and by visiting our social media platforms. We encourage you to sign up for our texting alert program as well. Please know that we are now strategizing for a new advertising flight. Stay tuned.
Positive elements in Substitute SB #24
Please tell your legislators that you support parts of Substitute SB #24, specifically elements that do the following:
· Create 1,000 new pre-K slots.
· Provide funding for needy districts for wrap-around services (social-emotional supports, family support, and physical health and wellness) and family resource centers.
· Restore collective bargaining to enhance teaching and learning conditions.
· Decouple evaluation, certification, and salary schedules.
· Improve the teacher evaluation system by ensuring that evaluation plans will include collaboration, professional development supports to continually improve teaching, and the validation of a new rating system.
· Enhance teacher standards by recognizing and requiring a master’s degree for the professional certificate.
· Create a new distinguished educator designation.
Further improvements
Recognizing that this “Year of Education” reform may be the most important period in a generation, please remind legislators that they can improve upon Substitute Bill #24 with the following actions:
Recognizing that this “Year of Education” reform may be the most important period in a generation, please remind legislators that they can improve upon Substitute Bill #24 with the following actions:
· Add more literacy programs in schools.
· Encourage more parental and community involvement in schools.
· Elevate the teaching profession by instituting in teacher dismissal proceedings a “just cause” hearing—one afforded other employees in the public sector.
· Eliminate any reference to “money follows the child” funding, since cash-starved schools cannot afford to lose resources.
· Require accountability and certification for superintendents.
· Ensure that charter schools serve the same academically diverse student populations as public schools.
4) Next steps
· During this uncertain time, we need you to maintain ongoing communications with your legislators, telling them to please get reform done right. Click here to contact your legislator.
· Remember, it’s important to set up back home meetings, organize letter writing campaigns, and call or email your legislators.
· Register for a CEA Rally and urge your friends to attend.
· Stay tuned to CEA communications for upcoming advocacy opportunities.
Closing note
Thank you for all you do and your continued support of your students, public education, and your profession.
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