Tuesday, April 3, 2012

NCLB=Achievement Gap

A great comment linking the achievement gap to NCLB:

Teachers Air Concerns Over Education Reform Bill - WestportNow.com - Westport, Connecticut: "In three instances I have heard Toni Boucher express her dismay over the fact that “we have lost our number one perch,” and have fallen to number 16 in education “over the past 8-10 years.” I would ask her to consider what changed 8-10 years ago to cause this to happen: the No Child Left Behind Act, which stimulated the influx of standardized testing that we immerse our children in today, was passed in 2001. That’s no coincidence. Testing has lowered the standards of education and it shows. As educational reformer Alfie Kohn explains, “Research has repeatedly [shown] a positive correlation between shallow thinking and how well kids do on standardized tests.” The answer is less testing. Take the money invested in testing and help the 41% who need food, sleep and services."

'via Blog this'

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