Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dear Reformers: Teachers Are Neither Heroes Nor Zeroes – SchoolBook

Dear Reformers: Teachers Are Neither Heroes Nor Zeroes – SchoolBook: "Some of you reformers out there have even begun blaming teachers for the bad economy. You claim that greedy teachers are wrecking local and state budgets with our “exorbitant” pensions.

In truth, salary and benefits, including pension, are part of our total compensation package which is negotiated with local governments. In other words, we earn them.

Many states, such as New Jersey, were utterly irresponsible in underfunding their pension obligations, but that’s hardly the fault of teachers. And much of the shortfall is due to the near-crash of the stock market brought on by the irresponsible behavior of banks, and yes, even some of the hedge-fund billionaires who are at the heart of the education reform/charter school movement."

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