Thursday, April 26, 2012

And the answer is: MORE Standardized Testing – Hooray!! - Wait, What?

Remember when we were told that Malloy's plan wouldn't result in more testing...?

And the answer is: MORE Standardized Testing – Hooray!! - Wait, What?: "Sandra Kase, Vallas’ Chief Administrative Officer (and the person rumored to be in line to take over when Vallas blows out-of-town) issued the memo that reads;

“…there will be end-of-year testing in English Language Arts and mathematics that will mirror the CMT and CAPT examinations.  These tests will be administered to all students in Grades 3-11 during the week of June 4th,   including Grades 9 and 11 who do not take state assessments.”

And the rationale for this absurdity?

The new regime’s interpretation of how the world works is:

“Traditionally, instruction wanes after the administration of the state tests.  Unfortunately, this “lull” in teaching and learning deprives our students of much-needed academic support.”"

'via Blog this'

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