CT News Junkie | OP-ED | A Holistic Look At Education: "But we need to take a more holistic view of education. I’ve argued with members of my own party here in Greenwich about the single-minded focus on test scores, because it permeates right down to our kids, who waste time when they could actually be learning either being prepared for testing or being subjected to yet another of the endless battery of tests. But worse than that is the insane pressure. My daughter came home asking for test prep for the pre-PSAT because some of her friends were getting it. Seriously, is this what we’ve come to? If you want to know why the gap between high- income and low-income students in Greenwich is so big, well, there’s a pretty good example of the kinds of advantages wealthy kids have vs. others."
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This is a great article linking to many articles & studies which show that the "reforms" in SB 24 are wrong for education. Read up on these points and then include the information in your letters to your legislators.